Sansevieria, also known as snake plant and mother-in-law’s tongue, is a hardy plant with long, broad leaves. because of their adaptability and tolerance, they’re often used as houseplants. their broad leaves soak up toxins and carbon dioxide and produce oxygen to help purify the air in the room. Sansevieria atau lidah mertua adalah marga tanaman hias yang cukup populer sebagai penghias bagian dalam rumah karena tanaman ini dapat tumbuh dalam kondisi yang sedikit air dan cahaya matahari. sansevieria memiliki daun keras, sukulen, tegak, dengan ujung meruncing.. sanseviera dikenal dengan sebutan tanaman lidah mertua karena bentuknya yang tajam. Sanseviera (sansevieria) je rod sansevieria wikipedia vytrvalých rostlin z čeledi chřestovitých, s různým stupněm listové sukulence.
Sansevieria trifasciata (also known as sansevieria wikipedia "mother-in-law's tongue" or the "snake plant") is a plant that can grow in many places. it is a desert plant from dry africa. Sansevieria is a historically recognized genus of flowering plants, native to africa, notably madagascar, and southern asia, now included in the genus dracaena on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies. common names for the 70 or so species formerly placed in the genus include mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, jinn's tongue, bow string hemp, snake plant and snake tongue.

Descripción. sansevieria trifasciata es una planta semisuculenta que crece en rosetas basales y verticales, las hojas son erectas, lanceoladas, agudas y rígidas, de 40 a 140 cm de largo y unos 4 a 10 cm de ancho. de diferentes colores y patrones según la variedad, siendo la más común de color verde oscuro con líneas transversales de verde más pálido, los márgenes enteros, verdes o a. 동명. 동명은 다음과 같다. acyntha stuckyi (god. -leb. ) chiov. ; sansevieria andradae god. -leb. ex gérôme; 개요. 스투키는 일련의 짧고 잎차례가 있는 줄기로 이루어져 있으며, 식물의 땅속줄기와 더불어 각 줄기는 하나의 잎이나 여러 잎을 낸다.. 경작. 스투키는 경작이 매우 쉬운 편이며 그늘, 열, 건조한 환경을 잘. From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (redirected from sansevieria cylindrica) dracaena angolensis, synonym sansevieria cylindrica, also known as the cylindrical snake plant, african spear or spear sansevieria or in brazil saint bárbara sword, is a succulent plant native to angola.
Sansevieria aubrytiana in world checklist of selected plant families. the board of trustees of the royal botanic gardens, kew. published on the internet. accessed: 2019 mar. 13. reference page. international plant names index. 2019. sansevieria aubrytiana. published online. accessed mar. 13 2019. Sansevieria is a historically recognized genus of flowering plants, native to africa, notably madagascar, and southern sansevieria wikipedia asia, now included in the genus dracaena . Dracaena bagamoyensis, synonym sansevieria bagamoyensis, is a succulent plant native to kenya and tanzania. description[edit]. dracaena bagamoyensis .
Dracaena Wikipedia
サンセベリア(学名: dracaena trifasciata; シノニム: sansevieria trifasciata )は、スズラン亜科(新エングラー体系などではリュウゼツラン科、apg iiiではキジカクシ科)ドラセナ属の多年草。 かつてはチトセラン属( sansevieria )であった 。 本来サンセベリアはチトセラン属に属する種全般を指すが. Anopinkielet (sansevieria) on noin 70 lajia käsittävä ruskuskasveihin kuuluva kasviheimo vanhan mantereen trooppisilta ja subtrooppisilta alueilta.. anopinkielten habitus vaihtelee ruohovartisista kuivakkokasveista monivuotisiin pensasmaisiin mehikasveihin. monivuotisten lajien ainavihannat lehdet ovat kielitai miekkamaisia, 20 senttimetristä 3 metriin pitkiä.
Dracaena hanningtonii, synonym sansevieria ehrenbergii, is a flowering plant which grows in northeastern and eastern tropical africa and the arabian . Dracaena trifasciata is a species of flowering plant in the family asparagaceae, native to tropical west africa from nigeria east to the congo. it is most commonly known as the snake plant, saint george's sword, mother-in-law's tongue, and viper's bowstring hemp, among other names. until 2017, it was known under the synonym sansevieria trifasciata. Sansevieria ehrenbergii clusters. jpg 1,955 × 1,124; 955 kb sansevieria fleurs. jpg 883 × 1,280; 430 kb snake plant or mother in law's tongue plant. jpg 3,456 × 4,608; 1. 88 mb.
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From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (redirected from sansevieria eilensis) dracaena eilensis, synonym sansevieria eilensis, is a xerophytic cam succulent native to a small region of somalia near the town of eyl. the species was collected in 1973 by john lavranos. Dracaena eilensis, synonym sansevieria eilensis, is a xerophytic cam succulent native to a small region of somalia near the town of eyl. the species was . More sansevieria wikipedia images. Dracaena (sansevieria) es un género de herbáceas, perennes y rizomatosas de la familia asparagaceae, anteriormente en ruscaceae. ahora se la ha incluido en el género dracaena debido a los estudios moleculares de su filogenia [2] [3] [4]. tradicionalmente este género ha sido incluido dentro de una definición amplia de la familia liliaceae.. las 130 especies que comprende son originarias de.

Dracaena Angolensis Wikipedia
From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia sansevieria ehrenbergii in habitat. sansevieria is a historically recognized genus of flowering plants, native to africa, madagascar and southern asia, now included in the genus dracaena on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies. Snakeplant or snake plant may refer to: dracaena trifasciata, synonym . Secondo la classificazione tradizionale (sistema cronquist) il genere dracaena fa parte della famiglia palme, ordine liliales. la classificazione apg iii (2009), che si avvale sansevieria wikipedia delle recenti ricerche genetiche, colloca il genere dracaena nella sottofamiglia nolinoidea delle asparagaceae (ordine asparagales).. alcune specie. le specie più utilizzate come piante ornamentali sono:.

Common names. sansevieria trifasciata is commonly called "mother-in-law's tongue" or "snake plant", because of . Dracaena hanningtonii, synonym sansevieria ehrenbergii, (blue sansevieria, sword sansevieria, oldupai, or east african wild sisal) is a flowering plant which grows in northeastern and eastern tropical africa (djibouti, eritrea, ethiopia, kenya, somalia, sudan and tanzania) and the arabian peninsula (oman and saudi arabia). Sansevieria is een geslacht dat in het apg iii-systeem tot de aspergefamilie (asparagaceae) wordt gerekend. the plant list erkent 66 soorten. een aantal soorten worden toegepast als sierplant, met name dracaena trifasciata. sansevieria ehrenbergii. bloeiwijze van sansevieria hyacinthoides. Dracaena angolensis, synonym sansevieria cylindrica, also known as the cylindrical snake plant, african spear or spear sansevieria or in brazil saint bárbara .
It is most commonly known as the snake plant, saint george's sword, mother-inlaw's tongue, and viper's bowstring hemp, among other names. until 2017, it was . Dracaena trifasciata is a species of flowering plant in the family asparagaceae, native to tropical west africa from nigeria east to the congo. it is most commonly known as the snake plant, saint george's sword, mother-in-law's tongue, and viper's bowstring hemp, among other names. Snake plant [sansevieria trifasciata] or mother-in-law's tongue is a type succulent the name "snake plant", was coined from its appearance long pointed patterned leaves that are reminiscent of a snake. marvel cinem.
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